Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Borat – Starring Sacha Baron Cohen (Comedy Movie Rental Review)

Borat – Starring Sacha Baron Cohen

Approx. Running Time:1 hr. 24 min.

The strongest point of this comedy is the classic slapstick public annoyance you would find in a show like Jackass or The Tom Green Show. That’s the category of movie rental review I would fit it in. The absolute best part of the film is when Borat and Azamat, two losers from Kazakhstan in search of Pamela Anderson, find themselves wrestling naked. They then chase each other out of a hotel room, down the elevator and through a real estate meeting of distinguished guests. They are quickly ushered out by security. What’s great is it feels so real and unscripted, like reality television. Sensationalism is a key to this movie, especially when Borat sings his home country’s national anthem at a rodeo.

One thing I observed is the similarity to a flick like Napoleon Dynamite. That reminds me, I should do a movie rental review at a later time of this puppy. The movie is so blatantly stupid to the point of insulting intelligence yet still rib-cracker funny enough to share with your water cooler buddies.

This is a movie that caters to people. The humor element is mainly the absurdity of a foreigner who knows nothing about America acting as if anything in Kazakhstan is also possible with the westerners. The end result is crazy shenanigans and sheer pandemonium. This usually winds up with a phone call to the police, a wrecked vehicle, or massive property damage. I honestly don’t know how they convinced Pamela Anderson to actually appear in this film, but it’s damn funny. You’ll be saying: “No way, I can’t believe this! Borat’s such a jag off” as milk fountains out of your nostrils. This one truly deserves a movie rental review.

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