Thursday, October 18, 2007

Smoking Aces - Starring Jeremy Piven (Action Movie Rental Review)

Smoking Aces - Starring Jeremy Piven

It’s poker time! Oh, wait a second. If you already picked up this feature you quickly became just as stumped as I. Smoking aces means pocket aces right? Or it should at least have some hint of poker action. However, this was furthest from it. The action begins with the feds learning that the character played by Jeremy Piven, Buddy Israel, is being targeted by multiple assassins. The reward for the hit is in the millions. What makes his death so desirable is the fact that he’s about to sing. The dumbass will actually testify against the west coast mafia, otherwise known as La Cosa Nostra.

The only card tricks going on is Israel’s magic show performance in Vegas. After all the shows, the fame and putting in his dues for the mafia, Israel finds himself holed up in the penthouse suite of a Lake Tahoe resort. The entire top floor is held falsely “under construction” just because Israel can shell out 50 grand a night. That’s how much influence this guy has.
The storyline jumps from one assassin or group of assassin’s perspective to another throughout Smokin Aces. The threads slowly converge at Buddy Israel’s hideout. A few players get knocked out by others as well. It’s a stiff competition. The .50 caliber sniper rifle scene is worth the whole film. Nothing beats seeing federal agents fly in the air from armor piercing rounds. I would venture enough to say this is better than the fifty cal scene in the movie Shooter with Mark Wahlberg.

As the curtains draw to a close, with the neonazis and mercenaries taken out, one man survives. He is the lone killer, the one who has the narrow shot at taking out Buddy. Is he evasive and stealthy enough to kill Israel silently as swat teams infiltrate the overpriced suite? Can he get away with murder? All the cards get played and Buddy Israel is down to his last ace.

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